The Formula Podcast

The Formula Podcast

Unravel the journey of self-discovery, achievement, and global exploration with host Trevor Carlson. New episodes released weekly.

ABout the Podcast

Welcome to The Formula Podcast, a heartfelt exploration of the human experience, led by your host, Trevor Carlson. 

As a world traveler and coming from humble beginnings, Trevor brings together extraordinary individuals from all walks of life to share their wisdom and distinct viewpoints. 

They discuss engaging topics like lifestyle design, cultural understanding, personal growth, what leads to a purposeful life, and the keys to success in their respective fields.

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Meet the Host

Trevor Carlson

Below-average salsa dancer, poor man’s yogi, digital nomad

Trevor Carlson is a devoted explorer of life’s mysteries, a compassionate entrepreneur, and a traveler who finds solace in connecting with others. Drawing on a rich tapestry of experiences from around the globe, he approaches each conversation with humility and genuine curiosity. Through The Formula Podcast, Trevor shares the invaluable lessons and insights he’s gained from engaging with extraordinary and inspiring individuals.

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